Salesforce Administrator Interview Questions & Answers

This blog will explore some of the most commonly asked Salesforce Administrator interview questions with Answers. Salesforce Administrator is the first step in the Salesforce Ecosystem.

Here are some questions and answers that may be helpful to prepare for a Salesforce Administrator interview.

Top Salesforce Administrator Interview Questions & Answers

1. What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computing resources. The computer services delivered over the internet include databases, servers, and software.

2. What is IaaS?

IaaS stands for Infrastructure as a Service. It is a cloud computing model where infrastructure is provided over the internet as a service like hosting, server, storage services, etc.

3. What is PaaS?

PaaS stands for Platform as a Service. It is a cloud computing model where a third-party provider creates a platform for customers. To deploy, run, and maintain their applications without any concerns like security and infrastructure.

4. What is SaaS?

SaaS stands for Software as a Service. It is a cloud computing model where software is provided over the internet as a service.

5. Is Salesforce a Saas or Paas?

Salesforce provides various on-demand services. And also, Salesforce provides a platform to create new applications. Therefore, Salesforce is both Paas and Saas.

6. What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a cloud-based CRM. Customer Relationship Management is a term used for managing a firm’s relationship and interaction with customers. Similarly, Salesforce provides a wide range of cloud applications like Marketing Cloud, Service Cloud, Sales Cloud, and many more.

7. What is Sandbox and the Type of Sandbox in Salesforce?

Sandbox is a secure and isolated testing environment that allows organizations to develop, test, and deploy changes. Similarly, new features are deployed without affecting their production (live) environment. Therefore, Sandboxes are crucial for maintaining the stability and integrity of a Salesforce organization while making changes or updates.

Types of Sandbox in Salesforce

There are 4 types of Salesforce sandbox environments.

  1. Developer Sandbox
  2. Developer Pro Sandbox
  3. Partial Copy
  4. Full Sandbox

8. What are the different editions available in Salesforce?

  • Essentials
  • Starter
  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • Unlimited
  • Developer

Check out the official blog on Salesforce Edition by Salesforce.

9. What is an Object in Salesforce?

The object in Salesforce acts like a database table that stores data for a specific type of record. There are two types of objects in Salesforce. Standard objects are available by default in org, such as Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, etc. Whereas, we can create Custom Objects as per the business requirements.

10. What are external objects in Salesforce?

External Objects in Salesforce are a way to access and interact with data residing outside the Salesforce platform

11. Types of Relationships in Salesforce?

The different types of object relationships in Salesforce are:

  • Lookup Relationship (1:n): It is a loosely coupled relationship that allows connecting two objects in Salesforce. Meanwhile, if the parent record gets deleted, the child record remains in the system.
  • Master-Detail Relationship (1:n): It is a tightly coupled relationship that allows connecting two objects in Salesforce. Meanwhile, if the parent record gets deleted, the child record also gets deleted in the system. We can also the roll-up summary fields.
  • Many-to-Many Relationships (n:n): We can create a junction object to establish many-to-many relationships. Meanwhile, the junction object will act as a detail, and the other two will be a master. For example, an opportunity product is a junction object for opportunity and product objects.
  • Self-relationship: A Self-Relationship is a lookup relationship to the same object. For example, the parent account field on the Account object will allow us to connect the Account record as a parent of an existing record.

12. How many lookup relationships can be created in an object?

You can create a maximum of 40 lookups on an object.

13. What are Roll-Up Summary Fields?

Roll-Up Summary Fields calculate data from related child records and show the output on the master record. There are a variety of functions, including SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX, and AVG. Also, we can create 40 roll-up summary fields per object.

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